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User/Group Administration commands
useradd : create a new user account _# only root user can execute this command
passwd : changes a user's password_ #old password is first requested then new password is requested twice for confirmation
chage : It is used to see user related "threshold details" such as user disable time etc.
/ To change the password, we have to
groupadd : To create a new group_ # only root user can execute this command
groupadd gn
( group name ) - to add group name
usermod : changes user attributes _#only root user can execute this command
usermod –g group users
- to add user to group
id : It will show the user details such has his primary group and his secondary groups
lid : display user's groups or group's users _#only root user can execute this command
/ _ if we want to see how many user are there in particular group
lid -g group
su : to switch user. To come out from the user press ctrl +d logout or exit
visudo we can give all access to user also
sudo : execute a commands are another user
userdel : remove a user account _#only root user can execute this command
groupdel : delete group _#only root user can execute this command
Useradd username(kusuma)
In home-kusuma will be added as user
In etc-it will add shadow, passwd, group