Automating/ scheduling the task commands
cron : It is a daemon that executes schedule commands. cron also read /etc/crontab
crontab : crontab is the program used to install , uninstall or list the tables used to drive the cron daemon in vixie corn
cron tab Format
minute | hour | day of month | month | day of week | cmd / script |
0-59 | 0-23 | 1-31 | 1-12 or Jan -dec | 0-6 or sun - sat | user/bin/find |
{ \/\*** /home/suma/devops/ >> /home/suma/lshmd.log 2>&1
Time for every min /path(home/Ec2)/file( >(redirect) /(path)home/ec2/hello.log(given to another file) 2>&1 (file descriptors) }
To check which corn job are there- crontab -1
To create a cron file - touch /etc/cron.allow
\> ___the symbol called redirect standard output
file descriptions ---all the error and correct file will be redacted to here
0 --- std input
1 --- std output
2 --- std error
create a cron job file :
echo "hello guys"
echo " GM/GA/GE"
echo "today date is"
echo "crontab demo.."
add crontab as follows (here we have to add path)
Cron jobs logs ---- cat /var/log/cron
remote access commands
to connect servers
go to instance and follow this commands
Change the passwd to yes instead of No
Then restart the service for command is -service sshd restart
How to copy servers
Scp filename username@hostname/ip: /tmp/
Offline install
rpm - ivh <pkgsample1>
rpm-q sample 1
rpm-e sample1 ( to remove)
rpm-ivh (samplelink) '- to install
rpm-qi ( for information package )
rpm-qk ( to list package)
rpm-qr ( to check dependency )
rpm- UVH ( to upgrade & install)
Online installation For redhat/linux/centos
yum install sample1
yum remove sample1
yum update sample 1
yum list ( all installation list)
For ubuntu
apt install sample1
apt remove sample1 ..
How to start service
service sample1 start
service sample1 restart
service sample1 reload
service sample1 stop