Linux  - 1

Linux - 1

Linux Introduction and File Structure


3 min read

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It is an open source Operating System by using that user/applications can communicate with hardware and software components. it is known for stability, security, flexibility


* Linux started around 1991 by Linux Torvalds

* Linux is a Multi-user, Multi-tasking Operating System

* Linux is 'case sensitive' ls is different LS

* It is user friendly and provides both CUI and GUI support

* Following are the Linux distribution

flavors- Red hat, centos, ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Slackware (

Linux Architecture

  • Difference between Linux and Unix - Naukri Learning

Application - It is the first layer in Linux architecture and consists of various applications that run on the OS.
Ex - Browsers, Mail, MP3 players, etc.


- shell is a outer layer of OS

- Interface between user and application

- shell reads given cmd, verify syntax and check whether the command related application is available or not. if it is proper, then interpreter our cmd into kernel understandable form and hand over to kernel


- It is responsible to execute our commands

- It is memory allocation and process allocation will take care by kernel

How to connect the Linux operating system ?

(Putty, super putty, MobaXterm, Git Bash DevOps Tools They have all the technology tools.

If file needs to be downloaded from server or upload from local system then

WinSCP - for windows,

FileZilla - Windows/Mac/Linux Bash.)

    • Linux file system is case sensitive.( Suma and SUMA both are diff)

      hidden files starts with .(dot) extension

    • (.)dot refers to current Dir

    • / - It is called root directory

    • bin : It contains the commands and binary files. user can access the cmds

      Ex: ls, mkdir, cd , ps

    • boot : It contains which are required to boot Linux operating system

    • dev : It contains the device files

      Ex : USB, Floppy Disk , RAM ,Hard Disk

    • etc : It contains the system configurations files. All user, groups, hosts information available in etc directory

      Ex : sudoers, passwd, shadow, groups , motd(message of the day)

    • home : It contains all home directories for all the users to store their personal files

      Ex: home/kusuma or home/Suma

    • lib : It contains the system libraries required by our cmd and applications

    • media : file of automatic mounting will be placed inside this directory

    • mnt : Have to attach external file system from pen drive, cd, hard disk

      this attachment process is called mounting

      [ mnt - contains manual mounting files]

      [media - contains automatic mounting files]

    • opt : third party software installations files

      Ex : google, chrome, maven

    • proc : It contains the process information

      the current running process data will be stored inside proc dir

      Ex : ps , pid

    • root : It is home dir of super user

      [/ - acts as a root dir for Linux]

      [root - acts as a sub dir of / ]

    • sbin : It contains system binary files

      Ex : shutdown, useradd, reboot

      [bin - executable cmd used by normal user]

      [sbin - executable cmd used by root/super user]

    • temp : it contains all temporary files created in current session

      # temp files will deleted automatically at the time of system shutdown

    • user : It contains the binary and libraries. WAS or DB2 etc related software will installed in this directory

    • var : It contain variable files. This includes system log files( /var/log), emails

      ( /var/mail), sever logs Jenkins logs

      # if any data will keep on changing such type of data will stored inside var

  • thank you so much for reading this