As a developer develop the code and have to create one remote repository(GitHub) to store the source code
-> After developing we need to deploy the source code into any of the Application servers (like- tomcat, JBoss, etc)
-->directly can take this code and deploy it to keep in the application server it is not going to work
---> For this purpose we need to create a packages
To create packages we use the build tool
BUILD TOOL means the process of creating packages and building artifacts
- Maven is an open-source-java-based build tool
no.of build tools for different script
Java-based build tool = ANT/Maven/Gradle
.NET = Nant/MS Build
Python = PyBuilder
Rubby = Rake
HERE different types of Applications going build
standalone Application
Only Java Code -> (jar __ Java Archive)
jar files contains (.classfiles + Manifest files)
Web Application
Java Code+Web Content ->( HTML/CSS/JavaScript/XML/images) (.war__Web Archive )
war files contain (Jar files + web content)
Enterprise Application
multiple modules (ear __ enterprise archive)
ear files contain (war + jar + resource file)
Hello ( how can we run this java class)--> source code
Compile (JavaC
HelloWorld.Class --> Byte Code (byte Code will be understood by JVM) (Java Virtual Machine)
So to run the java file? Java HelloWorld
Maven Directory Structure
Maven and Apache Maven both are the same Apache is a provider of Maven
after downloading in instance wget
(binary zip archive)
we will see the following
bin: binary file can contain -mvn
conf: configuration file - setting.xml
lib: libraries -jar files
boot: Maven
Maven Installation
pre-requisite---> java
The Maven website is written for Maven we will require certain Java only, just see it
JDK (Java Development KIT) we use it when we want to develop
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) we used when we deployed the developed code
IN UBUNTU SERVER follow these commands
sudo -i
to switch to the root user
cd /opt
apt update
to command refreshes the package index. system has the latest information about available software packages and security updates.
type java -version
then copy the first line which is sudo apt-get install font config openjdk-11-jre
then again type java -version
you will get this
Step2) Download the Maven Software
copy the second link that is binary zip archive --- right click > copy link address
then wget paste the link
Step3) Set the classpath/Environmental Variable
For Specific User
vi ~/.bash_profile
#maven installation
export M2_HOME=/opt/apache-maven-3.9.5
export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
source ~/.bash_profile
For All Users
vi /etc/profile
export M2_HOME=/apache-maven-3.9.5
export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
source /etc/profile
mvn -version