Nexus: It is an open-source software. it is an Artifactory repo. It can be used to store the build artifact and retrieve the build artifacts whenever required
Build artifacts means -- packages
java - jar, ear, war. Docker -Docker Images. Node Js - .tar
difference between GitHub and nexus
Nexus is an Artifactory repo manager that can be used to store build artifacts.
It has 2 Editions
Nexus OSS -- open source software
Nexus Pro -- Enterprise edition
etc - nexus-default. Properties (here we can change the port number and path)
java 8 or 1.8
2GB RAM for OS
create an instance connected to putty
-sudo su -
-cd /opt
-yum install wget -y
-wget -c --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
-yum install jdk-8u131-linux-x64.rpm -y
-java -version
install nexus
to get nexus link
see the tar file as shown in below
after extraction we get
lets see directory
Add user and give permission
Change the file name a shown below
Change the ownership of file
go to the nexus bin directory and there change the nexus.rc file
in vi we have to run it as nexus as shown in below
sudo systemctl start nexus
then check in browser ip address:(8081default port)
admin password will be stored in below path
signing change the password
click on server admin config
always disable anonymous access